Return to the Latest For Immediate Release: Sep 18, 2024

Campaign for a Safe and Healthy California Releases New Ad Exposing Big Oil’s Dirty Game to Export Oil and Keep Supplies Short to Gouge Californians


SACRAMENTO, CA – Today, the Campaign for a Safe and Healthy California (CSHC) released a new ad unmasking the oil industry’s dirty game where they pump toxic oil near schools, pollute communities through refining gas, and export oil and gas products outside of California to keep supplies low and make billions by profit spiking at the expense of hardworking Californians. The campaign is calling for accountability for oil corporations to end their practice of keeping gasoline supplies artificially low and stop overcharging hard-working Californians by billions of dollars.

Below is the transcript of the ad: 

“Big Oil is trying to rig the game in California:

Drilling in our backyards...

Polluting our communities…

Then sending California oil and gas out of state...

Keeping our supply low... and prices high for California drivers.

They’re gaming the market...

While spewing the toxic lie that their greed... is California’s fault.

Join Governor Newsom and California legislators telling Big Oil: Game over.

Take action at”

“While oil companies are raking in billions of dollars, refinery communities like Richmond and Wilmington are paying the price three times over—with their health, on the frontlines of the climate crisis, and increasingly, at the pump. We can hold Big Oil accountable for price gouging our communities and all of California’s consumers by requiring minimum fuel reserves to prevent price spikes,” said Vivian Huang, Co-Executive Director of APEN Action 

CSHC, organized as, began with community leaders standing up to toxic oil drilling in their neighborhoods and has grown to include more than 400 organizations, labor unions, community and faith leaders, two Governors of California, public health groups, and environmental justice leaders from across California, working to hold oil companies accountable for creating a public health crisis, especially for communities of color.

For more information, please visit our website at:


Press Contact:

Robin Swanson,