Return to the Latest For Immediate Release: Jun 13, 2024

Campaign for a Safe and Healthy California Hits Milestone: Over 400 Endorsers United in Support of KEEPING THE LAW to Protect Schools and Neighborhoods from Toxic Drilling

SACRAMENTO, CA – Today, the Campaign for a Safe and Healthy California (CSHC) proudly announced it has reached a significant milestone with 427 endorsements from various health groups, community and faith organizations, and environmental justice leaders from across California in support of KEEPING historic law SB 1137 preventing toxic oil drilling near schools and playgrounds and in neighborhoods. 

“At 400 strong, our coalition sends a clear message: the people of California won't be swayed by Big Oil's lies and corporate greed,” said Sylvia Arredondo, CSHC Steering Committee Member and Civic Engagement Director for Communities for a Better Environment (CBE). “Their deep pockets can't match the depth of our people power when we unite our voices and our votes for health and safety protections for all Californians. Together, we're unstoppable in defending what's right for our communities.”

The campaign's diverse group of supporters includes influential organizations and leaders such as Service Employees International Union of California (SEIU-CA), Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California (PPAC), Patagonia’s Holdfast Collective, American Lung Association (ALA), California Teachers Association (CTA), and California Governor Gavin Newsom. This broad and powerful list of endorsers highlights the unified effort to keep the law protecting California schools, neighborhoods and healthcare facilities from the harmful effects of toxic oil drilling. 

“SEIU members live, raise our families, and work in some of the most polluted neighborhoods in the state,” said Maribel Castillon, a Los Angeles County public health nurse and chair of SEIU Local 721’s Environmental Justice Committee, “and we need to change that. A good first step is to stop new toxic oil drilling near the playgrounds and parks where our children play or the hospitals where we seek healthcare.”

“Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California proudly endorses the Campaign for a Safe and Healthy California and is committed to protecting the health and well-being of all Californians, especially those in vulnerable communities.” said Jodi Hicks, President and CEO of PPAC. “The current proximity of oil and gas wells to health care facilities, homes, and schools, poses significant health risks to almost three million Californians. We stand alongside diverse supporters in keeping the law to protect public health.”

“There are many important debates happening about how to address climate change, but we should all be able to agree, at the very least, on community safety—especially when families and children are at risk,” said Patagonia CEO Ryan Gellert

"All Californians are at risk with poor air quality, but especially the nearly three million residents living near oil and gas wells who face heightened exposure to toxic pollution. Establishing a safety barrier between people and oil wells is crucial for community health and safety,” says Mariela Ruacho Barrett, Senior Advocacy Manager at the American Lung Association. “The American Lung Association endorses this campaign to KEEP THE LAW to establish a safety barrier between people and oil wells and ensure proper clean up, recognizing its vital role in safeguarding respiratory health and preventing the devastating health impacts of toxic oil drilling.”

"Members of the California Teachers Association stand firmly with the Campaign for a Safe and Healthy California to keep the law that prohibits toxic oil drilling near schools and in neighborhoods,” says David Goldberg, CTA President. “Protecting our students and teachers from the toxic effects of oil drilling is crucial for fostering a thriving educational community. We are committed to ensuring a safe and healthy environment for our educators and students.” 

“Big Oil is at it again – this time trying to undermine a landmark public health law I signed that would protect California neighborhoods from the effects of toxic drilling near places where people and their families live and play. I will continue to stand with front-line communities to make the oil industry play by the rules. Make no mistake, in November, we will KEEP THE LAW that finally forces Oil Companies to put our health before their greed,” said Governor Gavin Newsom

Big Oil has been working to repeal a law (SB 1137) that would make existing oil and gas wells safer by meeting tighter health and environmental requirements within 3,200 feet of neighborhoods, schools, daycare centers and healthcare facilities, and keeping new wells from being built in these areas. To try and overturn this public safety law, oil companies have placed a deceptive measure on the November 2024 ballot. 

Nearly 30,000 oil and gas wells in California sit within 3,200 feet of homes, schools, hospitals and other public areas, exposing nearly 3 million people,disproportionately communities of color, to emissions that can cause birth defects, respiratory illnesses and cancer. An independent scientific advisory panel in 2021advised California officials that a 3,200-foot setback between oil wells and sensitive receptors is the minimum distance to protect public health.  

“KEEP THE LAW” Campaign endorsers include health organizations, community and faith organizations, and environmental justice leaders from across California, working to hold oil companies accountable for creating a public health crisis, especially for communities of color.

For more information about our campaign, please visit our website



Press Contact:

Robin Swanson,