We Beat Big Oil At Their Own Game—And We’re Not Stopping There

When Big Oil tried to overturn our health and safety protections with a deceitful ballot referendum, our coalition organized, fought back, and beat them at their own game

Our historic coalition of frontline communities, public health experts, political leaders, philanthropists, artists, and labor unions wrote a new playbook that forced Big Oil into an embarrassing unconditional surrender. We protected the law that prohibits new oil drilling near where nearly 3 million Californians live and requires existing oil wells to meet higher safety standards. 

And we’re not stopping there.

Toxic polluters will continue to try and undermine protections for California neighborhoods. We’re not going to let them stop or unravel our progress. People in our communities are still living with asthma, cancer, and other health consequences of Big Oil’s greed. Today, California is experiencing the worst climate disasters in our history along with lives lost, homes destroyed, and hundreds of billions of dollars in costs. We face extreme drought, record heat, unprecedented winds and storms, leading to historic fires, floods, and heatwaves — all fueled by climate change and Big Oil putting their profits ahead of California neighborhoods. 

As Big Oil vows to continue fighting against common-sense health and safety protections, we will keep defending Californians—whether in the legislature, the courts, or on the ballot. Together, we’re going to keep our neighborhoods safe and hold polluters accountable. Sign your name to stand with us against Big Oil!

Our Coalition